
“Uncivil” Society Organizations in Bougainville and Timor-Leste: Subverting Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Settings

In Bougainville and Timor-Leste, uncivil society groups were composed of ex-combatants and/or marginalized communities who felt that they were excluded from the peace and reconciliation process. 

Traditional Governance and the Maintenance of Peace in Sub-Saharan Africa

Traditional governance, including local chiefs, kings, or conflict resolution mechanisms, can play a powerful role in maintaining peace if it is integrated with the public administration of the state (a scenario called “institutional hybridity”). 

Nonviolent Movements for Social Change Considered More Moral and Supportable

Reformists in Iran were more willing to support and join a hypothetical Green Movement in the future if it were to use nonviolent rather than violent strategies.

From Encountering the “Other Side” to Social Change Activism

Organizations that bring together people from multiple sides of a conflict can play an important role in motivating participants to become activists for social change.

When Countries Increase Their Military Budgets, They Decrease Public Health Spending

When military spending increases by 1%, spending on health decreases by 0.62%.

West African Zones of Peace and Local Peacebuilding Initiatives

In the context of civil war in Côte d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone, the line between “armed actors” and “communities” was porous, creating a situation where peacebuilders spanning these categories in some cases had special access to armed actors for the purposes of negotiation.

Consequences of Excluding Armed Actors from Peace Negotiations

The exclusion of some rebel groups from peace negotiations can perpetuate civil war, rather than hastening a resolution.

Making Civil Resistance Work against Rightwing Populism

The focus of civil resistance movements on ousting rightwing populist leaders is counterproductive because it plays into narratives of “us vs. them” and hampers efforts to gain broad-based support by polarizing supporters and detractors of rightwing populism.

More Women in Government, Less Corruption, More Peace

When governments are less corrupt and have high levels of women’s participation, they are better able to promote and support peacebuilding.

Women’s Ethnic Organizations, Representation, and Informal Peacebuilding in Myanmar

Women play a crucial role in building peace at the grassroots level in Myanmar, even if they are not represented adequately in the formal peace talks.

Assessing the Shift from Liberal Peacebuilding to Counterterrorism and Stabilization Operations

More militarized UN peacekeeping mandates do not address the root causes of conflict and can contribute to cycles of violence and terrorist recruitment.