Peace Science Made Accessible, Understandable, and Useful.

Indigenous Civil Resistance in Honduras

Indigenous communities carry on the work of renowned Honduran activist, Berta Cacéres, by defending nature and health care in Honduras. Peace Science shows the unique power of indigenous civil resistance.

The U.S. Is Spending $32 Million Per Hour On War

Ever since the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, the War On Terror has cost the U.S. $5.6 trillion. Almost all of this price tag is financed through borrowed money, significantly increasing the national debt.

Post-Parkland Activism Growing Into Powerful Anti-Violence Movement

American schoolchildren are forming a new era of resistance. Just like members of other powerful anti-violence movements, they are articulate and determined.

Civilians Play Key Role in Promoting Peaceful Elections in Liberia

Civilians played an important role in maintaining peace through Liberia’s first democratic transition of power.

Credibility Is Key In U.S./North Korea Negotiations

In upcoming talks between the U.S. and North Korea, the credibility each party brings to the negotiation table is vital to the strength of any future peace agreement. And a lot of work needs to be done on both sides to make sure credibility exists and remains intact.

In Afghanistan, Religious Leaders Are Working For Peace

The important role of religious leaders in shaping and supporting the peace process in Afghanistan.

Stop Military Exercises And Give Diplomacy A Chance

Context: “On the heels of a meeting between North and South Korea in which Kim Jong-un reportedly put denuclearization on the table, a grassroots coalition of more than 200 anti-war organizations and activists sent an open letter (pdf) to President Donald Trump on Thursday calling on his administration to help further “the current momentum … Read more

Gender and Nuclear Weapons

Context: “Nuclear weapons are loaded with symbolism—of potency, protection, and the power to “deter” through material “strength”. For many, such symbolism obscures the real point of the existence of these arms—to destroy—and their horrendous effects. Possessing and brandishing an extraordinarily destructive capacity is a form of dominance associated with masculine … Read more

Invest in Pre-Conflict Prevention Before Post-Conflict Protection

Context: UN Secretary General António Guterres presented on his report of peacebuilding and sustaining peace during an informal gathering of the UN Assembly. “The imbalance between spending on conflict, and spending on peace, must be tackled head-on”, Secretary-General António Guterres said, urging the United Nations to rally all international actors … Read more

Social Media is Changing Conflict Dynamics

Social media has transformed the way that modern wars are fought. From the battlefields of eastern Ukraine to the bot factories of St. Petersburg, ordinary citizens with no military training are changing the course of conflicts with nothing more than a laptop or iPhone.

Women Are Critical to Nonviolent Movement Success

There is much to be gained through initiatives where women can convene to share knowledge, train, plan and develop solidarity networks for the struggles ahead. Creating women-led spaces that are informed by research helps build feminist momentum around the most pressing issues of our times.

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