Local governance plays a crucial role in peacebuilding, particularly when the central government is fragmented or lacks broad legitimacy. These actors include not only formal institutions like municipal governments but also a mix of other actors that could range from traditional chieftaincies to community-based organizations to religious institutions.
In the News:
- Local governance plays a crucial role in peacebuilding, especially when the central government is fragmented or lacks legitimacy.
- These actors include formal institutions like municipal governments, and also a mix of other actors that could range from traditional chieftaincies to community-based organizations to religious institutions.
- Effective local governments deliver services and allow people to engage with each other and negotiate local-level issues.
Peace Science Insights:
- Direct participation of community leadership in civil resistance increases the likelihood of success.
- National and local peace initiatives are mutually influential. The success of one increases the chances of success in the other.
- Groups seeking to develop peace zones in their community or region must understand the important role of local participation, the ties to local resistance forces, and the role played by external actors.
Peace Science Digest: Volume 1, Issue 3. “Varying success of civil resistance in Colombia”.
The Role of Local Governance in Sustaining Peace. By Alain Tschudin and Albert Trithart for the International Peace Institute. Feb. 7, 2018.