Peace Science Digest

2021 Year in Review

Happy New Year! 

2021 was sixth year for the Peace Science Digest. This was a year of experimentation: we’ve broadened the scope of academic research that we feature, tried new social media and communications approaches, and undertook a large special issue project with several external contributors. In 2020, the Peace Science Digest made several commitments to further our diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice goals in our Racial Justice in Peace and Security: Our commitment to do better. One of our commitments was to increase the diversity of authors whose research we feature in the Digest. We began tracking BIPOC authorship alongside author gender to develop a baseline number  to compare against future years.

In total, 41 authors were featured in the Peace Science Digest. This is our first year in tracking BIPOC authorship. As of November, our baseline data currently shows 62% non-BIPOC authorship, 37% BIPOC authorship. Additionally, we’re on track to achieve gender parity in authorship: 53% male authors and 46% female authors. 

To celebrate the new year, we reflect on the 28 analyses that we published in 2021. Listed below are the most viewed analysis and the editorial team’s top choices.  

Top Viewed Analyses in 2021 

Editors’ Choice Analyses in 2021 

Photo credit: Alliant Health Solutions