
Examining Religious Peacebuilding in Sierra Leone

Religious actors can use their respected positions in society to assert neutrality to build personal relationships with, and influence parties in conflict.

Resources and Conflict: Reframing The Debate

In addition to the complex debate over natural resources’ role in violent conflict, there are many underlining sub-debates on the topic. One is centered on quantity: whether or not the abundance or scarcity of resources affects a particular outcome. This study summarizes the two arguments as follows: An increase in … Read more

Digging Deeper: Don’t Blame Your Resources, Blame The Environment

This article analyses the arguments linking resource scarcity to violent conflict. It is structured around the assumption that by focusing on the economic, political, and social conditions of a specific country, the relationship between resource scarcity and violent conflict could be better explained. The author argues that certain conditions in … Read more

Oil-Rich Dictatorships Will Not Be Overthrown by Armed Rebellions

This study explores two main arguments behind the Resource Curse: Violent domestic conflicts occur more frequently in oil-producing states than they do in non oil-producing states. Oil-producing states most commonly support autocratic regimes (characterized by long lasting regimes and low levels of democracy) than non oil-producing states. The study is … Read more

Fueling Conflict: The Link Between Oil and Foreign Military Intervention in Civil Wars

Nations are more likely to go to war with an oil-rich state when there is a lack of local competition.

What is the Resource Curse and How Can Natural Resources Lead to Violence?

This analysis highlights the various theories linking resources to conflict. Two major perspectives stand out: (1) a surplus or a lack of natural resources can directly lead to violent conflict; and (2) there is no connection between resources and conflict. Below, the author highlights three common triggers that maintain the … Read more

Cell Phones and Violent Conflict

Violent conflict is much more common in areas with low-tech communication capabilities (characterized by fewer than 34 landlines per 100 people).

Democracies, Domestic Politics, and War

Increasing the number of democracies in the world does not affect the number of wars until democracies reach 60% of the global governments.

Fueling Conflict. The Link Between Oil and Foreign Military Intervention in Civil Wars

This article addresses the long-assumed connection between civil war nations’ oil capacity and the likelihood of third-party intervention. The research shows that third-party intervention is up to 100 times more likely when a) the country at war has large reserves of oil; or b) the foreign intervener has a higher … Read more

Quality of Life Impacts Individuals’ Willingness to Take Up Arms

When people experience higher life opportunity, they become less willing to give their lives in service to their countries’ wars.

Proven Decline in Public Support for War When the Alternatives Come to Light

When aware of nonviolent alternatives to war, people believe the price of war is too high and are less likely to tolerate casualties and to support wa