
Successful Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

In Southeast Asia, intervention by great powers (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council) lowers the success rate of Preventive Diplomacy.

Talking Points

People assume the use of military force is the last resort. When aware of nonviolent alternatives to war, people believe the price of war is too high. When aware of nonviolent alternatives to war, people are less likely to tolerate casualties and to support war. When political leaders unanimously support … Read more

Core Competencies for Critical Peace Educators and Learners

Core Competency Possible Educational Activities and Approaches Critical thinking and analysis   Critical Media Literacy Analyzing the roots and current impact of forces of domination Interrogating identity and unequal forms citizenship Empathy and solidarity   Cultivating an understanding of the psychological and emotional impacts of violence Viewing injustices facing others … Read more

Political Violence in Post-9/11 Wars

In Iraq, areas with cell phone coverage are less violent because of the ease of pro-government informants to provide information on insurgents.

Police Militarization: Domestic Consequences of Foreign Policy

U.S. militarism lead to the creation of police SWAT teams that disproportionally affect minority communities through racial profiling and over-policing.

Nonviolent Conflict Escalation

Nonviolent conflict escalation is achieved quantitatively or through innovation, dilemma creation, provocation, and persistence.

International Influence on U.S. Public Support for Drone Strikes

By highlighting civilian casualties and breaches of international law, international organizations can influence U.S. public opinion on drone policy.

Military Support and an Increased Vulnerability to Terrorist Attacks

Deployment of troops and weapons exports to another country increases the chance of attacks from terror organizations from that country.

Nonviolent Resistance Creates Strong Democracies

Democratic regimes that experience nonviolent resistance during the government transition phase survive longer than regimes without nonviolent resistance.

Casualty Inequity, Politics, and Public Support for Israel

Reporting of disproportionate civilian casualties during the 2014 Gaza conflict lowered U.S. public opinion of Israel.

Motives of U.S. Intervention: Democracy, Human Rights and Terrorism

The U.S. military is more likely to engage in a campaign for human rights than for security reasons, such as threats to democracy or terrorist activity.