
War is not part of human nature

The Myth Humans will always go to war Debunk War has not always been around, humans invented war. Most of the time in human history we did not wage wars. It’s not in our genes. We have to be trained to be able to kill. War does not break out. … Read more

Fight terror again, and again, and again. Or end it by refusing to participate in its creation

The cycle of violence. When will it be interrupted? The attack on Charlie Hebdo was another incident of “Terror in [fill in the blank]… attackers part of [fill in name of terror network]”. It was an incident of home-grown terror, since the attackers were French-born second-generation immigrants. It is time to shift away from ineffective, … Read more

ISIS, Ebola, Ferguson (nukes?)

Did you notice? Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel just announced plans to massively “upgrade” the US nuclear arsenal. It might have been swallowed by other breaking and ongoing news: ISIS and another beheading, Ebola, Ferguson, or the historic comet landing of Philae – at least one positive story. In addition to local news, stories in … Read more

USS Oregon/USS Portland: Not in my name

Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus was in Portland last Friday to announce the resurrection of the USS Portland and USS Oregon names for two new warships. I am offended that this is being done in my name and in the name of all other Oregonians who have for decades consistently professed values of non-violence … Read more

War Prevention Initiative featured in Shift Network

The Hopeful Alternative – A Global Peace System, by War Prevention Initiative’s Executive Director Patrick Hiller was featured in the Shift Network’s “The Catalyst”. Click her to see the full article:

More leaks in the faulty national security debate – and how to fix them

A little leak can be quickly fixed by stuffing it. Large leaks, however, often require more structural repairs or completely different solutions. Bradley Manning’s and just days ago Edward Snowden’s leaking of classified information demonstrates just how big our structural repairs need to be. What they exposed are further indicators of the faulty framework of … Read more

Seeing Systems Discussion Course book created in collaboration with the Northwest Earth Institute

We worked with the NW Earth Institute to develop a discussion course for use within living rooms, community settings, classrooms and may other settings. The discussion course titled, “Seeing Systems: Peace, Justice and Sustainability” was released in April 2014. Within these links you will find a description of the course –

Movement building organization World Beyond War

World Beyond War

Since winter 2013 a growing coalition of individuals and organizations – mainly from the U.S. peace movement – have been involved in intensive collaboration and actual planning for a re-energized effort to build a movement to end all war (henceforth: World Beyond War). The underlying ideas and vision of these efforts add the until now … Read more

No peace through military strength. A response to Catherine Ashton’s “To Secure Peace, Be Ready for Battle”

“The War to End all Wars” never achieved what H.G. Wells implied with this term. On the contrary, World War I not only resulted in the death of more than 16 million humans, it also resulted in a victor’s peace directly setting the stage for World War 2 where an estimated 60 to 100 million … Read more

Oregon Arms Spending Alternatives Project

The War Prevention Initiative of the Jubitz Family Foundation and University of Oregon Law School’s Appropriate Dispute Resolution Center co-sponsored an exploratory brainstorming session to discuss a possible campaign in Oregon inspired by the Minnesota Arms Spending Alternatives Project (MNASAP).

Give Peace Science a Chance – “Big Stick Ideology” on Iran becoming irrelevant in light of constructive conflict

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far” was a trademark description of Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy. To no surprise the current electoral season turns politicians into stick-carrying hunters – only now it does not seem necessary to speak softly.

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