Limiting State Violence and Activist Violence in Nonviolent Resistance Struggles
Limiting both state violence and activist violence in the context of a civil resistance struggle is important to movement success.
Movement Violence Can Lead to a Decline in Public Support
In Barcelona, a four-day-long riot associated with 15-M led to an overall 12-point decline in public support for the movement.
Masculinities, Militarization, and Myth-Making in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Certain gendered myths—like the “gentleman soldier” and “women as peacebuilders”—were used by the Rwandan Defense Forces to re-assert traditional gender roles.
Barriers to Peace for Women in Nepal and Bosnia
Women find innovative ways to build peace in their daily lives, significantly supplementing formal peacebuilding initiatives.
Volume 4, Issue 4
Nearly all nonviolent resistance movements face a common challenge—the temptation to turn to violence, whether among those within the movement or on the part of the government whose policies or behaviors may be the target of the resistance movement.
War Prevention Initiative Attends GlobalPDX Conference 2019
War Prevention Initiative attended the GlobalPDX Conference on October 24, 2019 at Portland State University. The theme of the conference was Local to Global: Sustainable Solutions for a Changing World. Local nonprofits, development organizations and international charities attended the event to share insights and best practices to address global challenges. The panel discussions and breakout … Read more
First International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding
Kelsey Coolidge, program manager at the War Prevention Initiative, attended the First International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding in Irvine, California. She participated as a discussant on a panel discussion on design, monitoring, and evaluations in environmental peacebuilding. Event website:
Press Release: The War Prevention Initiative commends the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali.
Press Release: The War Prevention Initiative commends the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali.
“All foreign policy is domestic” – Informative and inspirational evening with Ploughshares Fund and Win Without War
The War Prevention Initiative in collaboration with Ploughshares Fund, Win Without War and the University of Oregon hosted an informative and inspiring conversation around the theme of national security in turbulent times. Michelle Dover from Ploughshares Fund emphasized the need to view domestic and foreign policy as a whole, not as issue areas that can … Read more
Alliance for Peacebuilding: M&E Solutions Forum and PeaceCon 2019
Kelsey Coolidge, program manager at the War Prevention Initiative, presented Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Communicating Peace at the M&E Solutions Forum hosted by the Alliance for Peacebuilding in Washington, D.C.
Climate Action for Peace: A World Peace Day Event with Portland-area Non-Profit Organizations
The War Prevention Initiative co-hosted a World Peace Day event on this year’s theme of Climate Action for Peace with numerous Portland-area non-profit organizations, including the Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network (GPSEN), the Hawthorne Hostel, and the United Nations Association of Portland.